The Two Stooges
Joanna and I have had some pretty funny experiences while fishing together for the past 12 years in Canada. She calls us the Two Stooges. I have to say it has provided us both lots of fun and laughter. Here are two recent adventures that had us in stitches. Our first adventure was when our friend Chris came up for a few days to pick berries and fish. We decided to go to Heathwalt Lake for the day. After fishing around a favorite point and not coming up with many fish, I decided to head across the lake to a spot Joanna and I had done quite well at in the spring. One thing I forgot to factor into the equation is that in the spring there are no weeds up yet. Now there are weeds everywhere in the shallow areas making it more difficult to fish through them. Starting out in this new area I snagged a good sized pike which I kept. Chris and I were trolling on the same side of the boat and Joanna on the other side. At our last spot Chris and ...