The Beargrease Dog Sled Race 2022
Joanna got third place in the recent Beargrease Sled Dog Race in Duluth, MN. Here is her writeup of the race. Beargrease is always an adventure and usually never goes as planned:) On Sat. we had just gotten all the dogs out and the vets were heading our way to check the team when I noticed Bandit (who was panting with excitement) had a HUGE lump under his tongue!!! I wish I had taken a photo of it looked absolutely awful, like a huge growth!!! To the vets... umm... I have a problem... I had worked late the night before so my dad had fed the dogs... we had run them short on Thursday and Bandit was on fire, ran great! The only thing my dad had noticed as he was the one to usually feed Bandit is that he ate a bit slower then normal. I don't normally bring a spare dog to races as it is a hassle to care for or sometimes have room for an extra dog but I might have to in the future:) Long story short, it was a blocked saliva gland most likely due to trauma and most likely from B...