Sweet Times

Karen Thomas, our cousin from Minneapolis came up for a visit at camp.  She is always such fun and game for anything.  The weather was exceptionally warm, even getting into the 80's for the few days she was there, so we got to do outdoor activities like pontoon boat rides, kayaking, hiking and fishing.  

The highlight of her visit, however, was when Joanna, Karen and I went to Dryden to church together on Sunday morning.  We got up at 5:30 am to be able to leave the house at 6:30 am.  It is a two hour drive to get to Dryden and we had to get there an hour and a half before the service started to practice with the worship team.  Once I knew Karen was going to come visit us, I asked the worship leader Steve if he would allow Karen to play her violin in the service.  I play the cello on the praise team and I thought it would be great to add her violin to the mix.  Steve thought so too and was excited to plan music for that week.

Everyone in church was so touched by the music that day as Karen and I contributed strings sounds to the worship.  Joanna also joined the worship team in being one of the singers.  She really puts her heart into it.  What a glorious service it was as everyone experienced the sweet presence of the Lord.  Thank you Karen for that special treat.  


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